YDA is the introductory program to competitive soccer. Teams play through NC Youth Academy.
2025-2026 Evaluations
For players
currently playing for Triangle United, the evaluation period will begin the week of April 28th, 2025.
The schedule for YDA evaluations will get posted below shortly. Please register and attend the area that best suits your location.
Chapel Hill/Durham Training Location: 7U (2019) - 10U (2016)
Tryouts will take place at TBD
All players must register prior to the tryouts. Please register here!
Chatham Training Location: 7U (2019) - 10U (2016)
Tryouts will take place at Northeast District Park (5408 Big Woods Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517)
All players must register prior to the tryouts. Please register here!
7U/8U (2019/2018): TBA
9U (2017): TBA
10U (2016): TBA
7U/8U (2019/2018): TBA
9U (2017): TBA
10U (2016): TBA
What is the Youth Development Academy (YDA)?
YDA is built for player development and success at the older Classic soccer levels through our 10 month program. Players in YDA should expect to spend a lot of time working on their individual skills through the direction of our club soccer staff. YDA is a larger commitment than Recreational soccer both competitively and amount of time spent training which is why we have evaluations every year to select candidates for the program. YDA is the club's first introduction to competitive soccer. The program is for players who have demonstrated the ability and desire to compete at a higher level of soccer. The environment that is created will also foster player growth in areas of balance, coordination, teamwork and sportsmanship.
Elite Teams: The YDA Elite segment will continue this season and consist of the more advanced 10U teams. These teams will play at the 11U level and their training schedule will mirror that of an 11U Classic team.
Program Structure: Each YDA team will have a dedicated staff coach who will work with the program’s technical director. In season, one practice each week will focus on technical skills and the second practice will be team based.
The 7U/8U program is designed to introduce the youth soccer player to a competitive/development pathway. Players are selected for this program through a yearly evaluation in May. Once selected, players will participate in 2 different cycles during the year:
Fall/Spring: Players will train twice weekly with their age group coach. Training will be designed to increase individual touches on the ball, challenge the players tactically (thought process) in small numbers, and learn while having fun. Games will be 4 vs 4 (or 5v5) with goalkeepers and mostly played in-house in the 7U/8U age group at our local fields. Most games will take place on Sunday afternoon and games will be managed by our 7U/8U staff.
Summer/Winter: Players, as part of their YDA fee, can participate in summer and winter group training. During those months, players will participate in weekly sessions that combine individual development with fun, small-sided games.
The 9U/10U program is designed for the youth soccer player on a competitive/development pathway. Players are selected for this program through a yearly evaluation in May. Once selected, players will participate in 2 different cycles during the year:
Fall/Spring: Players will train twice weekly with their age group coach. Training will be designed to increase individual touches on the ball, challenge the players tactically (thought process) in small numbers, and learn while having fun. Games will be 7 vs 7 (6 field players and a goalkeeper) mostly on Sunday afternoon. Majority of games are played locally. Additionally teams will have the opportunity to participate in 1-2 events per season.
Summer/Winter: Players, as part of their YDA fee, can participate in summer and winter group training. During those months, players will participate in weekly sessions that combine individual development with fun, small-sided games.
The 10U Elite program is designed for the player that is on a competitive pathway. Players are selected for this program through a yearly evaluation in May. Once selected, players will participate in 3 different cycles.
Fall/Spring: Players will train three times/week with their age group coach. Training will be designed to increase individual touches on the ball, challenge the players tactically (thought process) in small numbers, and learn while having fun. Games will be 7v7 or 9v9 mostly on Sunday afternoon, however some games would take place on Saturday. Majority of games are played locally. Additionally teams will have the opportunity to participate in 1-2 events per season.
Winter: Players will train 2x a week during the winter months. Typically 1 day is team/group training and the other is free play within the age group.
Summer: Players, as part of their YDA fee, can participate in summer and winter group training. During those months, players will participate in weekly sessions that combine individual development with fun, small-sided games.
2024-2026 YDA Uniform
Game Shorts
Training Shirt
Training Shorts
Yes, players have an evaluation to see if they are ready to move into our YDA Program. Late April or early May, players will come out during our evaluation period and be seen by our YDA staff. Players currently in our YDA program do not have to tryout.
YDA Coaches are paid coaches that are hired by the club. Our coaches are asked to attend Grassroots Coaching Courses to be able to coach within the program.
Practices for YDA take place the following:
Chapel Hill/Durham Teams: Rainbow Soccer fields, Triangle Complex, or Homestead Park.
Chatham Teams: Northeast District Park or Northwood HS
Team fees are paid to the team. These fees generally pay for referees, tournaments, coach expenses, etc...Club fees are fees you pay to the club for field rental, insurance, league fees, office, etc..
Home games generally take place at Rainbow or Homestead Turf for Chapel Hill/Durham teams and Northeast District Park for Chatham teams. Away games can take place in Holly Springs, Burlington, and Sanford. Each year, teams may have 2-3 away games, but it is all dependent on the other clubs team formation.
Players, as part of their YDA fee, can participate in summer and winter group training. During those months, players will participate in weekly sessions that combine individual development with fun, small-sided games
Teams are formed after our evaluation period, usually in July. Our goal is to create even teams so our games on the weekends are competitive. At the 10U level, the top 2-3 teams are tiered, while the remaining teams are even.