Classic Soccer is the highest level of play for the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association (NCYSA)
2025-2026 Tryouts
Players looking to tryout for our NCYSA Classic program, please read below for more details. Exact days and times will get posted below when finalized.
Please register and attend the area that best suits your location.
Chapel Hill/Durham Training Location: 11U (2015) - 19U (2007/08)
Tryouts will take place at TBD
All players must register prior to the tryouts. Please register here!
Chatham Training Location: 11U (2015) - 14U (2011) only
Tryouts will take place at Northeast District Park (5408 Big Woods Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517)
All players must register prior to the tryouts. Please register here!
11U (2015) - 12U (2014): Tryouts are week of May 5th
13U (2013) - 19U (2007): Tryouts are week of May 19th
11U (2015) - 12U (2014): Tryouts are week of May 5th
13U (2013) - 15U (2011): Tryouts are week of May 19th
16U (2010) - 19U (2007/08): Tryouts are ongoing during the spring. Reach out to
Bobo Bokole for more details.
2024-2026 Boys Field Player Uniform
Home Jersey
Home Shorts
Home Socks
Away Jersey
Away Shorts
Away Socks
Training Top
Training Shorts
Training Socks
Training Hoody (Black)
2024-2026 Girls Field Player Uniform
Home Jersey
Home Shorts
Home Socks
Away Jersey
Away Shorts
Away Socks
Training Top
Training Shorts
Training Socks
Training Hoody (Anthracite)
Goalkeeper Uniform
GK Long Sleeve Jersey
GK Short Sleeve Jersey
GK Shorts
GK Socks
Tryouts take place every April and May for our Classic Tryouts. Details will get posted on our website for the exact dates.
Club fees are the fees that you pay to the club. These cover such things as coaching fees, overhead, registration, insurance, field rentals, etc...Team fees cover such things as referee fees, tournament expenses (coach per diem/registration), team specfic expenses, and such.
For our younger 11U and 12U, the club typically has 4-5 teams per age group, which are tiered. Typically the top 2-3 teams are tiered "A", "B", and "C" while the next set of teams are typically balanced.
11U-14U Teams train 3x a week in the fall (August - November) and spring (February - May). During the winter months (December-January), teams train 2x a week except the older boys (15U-19U) who are just coming out of HS. Older girls (15U-19U) go August - January due to HS in the spring. Players are expected to be at all training sessions. Teams will travel for games around NC and events around VA/SC/NC.
For classic soccer, there is not a playing time rule. If players attend all practice sessions during the week, the coach will try and get as many minutes for each player as possible; however, playing time is not guaranteed.
Practices occur in the Chapel Hill, Durham area for for our CH/Durham teams. Some fields we utilize currently are Cedar Falls Turf, Homestead Turf, Herndon Turf, Old Chapel Hill Rd. Park, Rainbow, and Meadowmont. For Chatham based teams, our teams will look to train at Northeast District Park or Northwood HS.
During the course of the year, players may not guest play with another local club. Players may join an out of state team for an event.
Teams may participate in 3-6 events per year (1-3 per season). This is based on the team's level and also depending on what events as well as where located.
Yes. Players must tryout each year and are not guaranteed a spot on the same team. Players within the club are evaluated during the course of the year, so it is not just the tryout period when players are evaluated.
For our Classic program, there are levels within our club. For the 11/12 Age Groups, we do tier our teams. Barcelona, Arsenal, and Everton are our top tier teams, ranked 1st-3rd. Juventus and Bayern are our 2nd tier classic level teams and those teams are typically balanced teams. For NCYSA Teams, 13s and higher, Gold is top, followed by Silver, Bronze, Green.